MLB Uniforms Continue To Cause Problems As Detroit Tigers Players Rips Through His Pants During Home Plate Slide

Tigers baseball player

Just when you thought the MLB uniform issue couldn’t get any worse.

It’s no secret that the uniforms across Major League Baseball are worse this year, even though the league and the uniform manufacturers continue to assure fans and watchers of baseball that the team’s threads are “better” and “breathable.” Which I guess they are right about the “breathable” part, since the pants are just ripping open during routine baseball plays now.

The MLB has been under fire ever since they rolled out new uniforms in partnership with Fanatics and Nike. Why? Because the quality is lacking, the lettering is strangely small, and… oh yeah, you can see right through the jersey and pants.

I guess that’s one way to get people to tune into baseball…

The MLB season is still young, but there have already been plenty of issues with the cheap, or at least cheap-looking, uniforms. Players have been sweating right through them, making them all the more see through, and teams have even had to push back wearing special uniforms during certain games because Fanatics and Nike didn’t get them shipped out in time.

I’m not exaggerating when I say the MLB uniforms have been an unmitigated disaster, and we possibly (and hopefully) saw the worst of it when Detroit Tigers outfielder Riley Greene literally ripped through his pants during a home plate slide. This is as routine as a slide gets in baseball, and the Fanatics/Nike pants broke apart faster than a boy band.

Shoutout to Codify baseball for absolutely nailing the caption to the video:

“The pants seam different this year.”

Love a good pun, especially if it’s used at the expense of Rob Manfred (I’m mad at him for not lifting black out restrictions, but that’s a story for another time).

Thank God Greene was wearing something underneath, otherwise the family friendly version of baseball could have quickly become reserved for mature audiences. Those pants didn’t ever stand a chance during that slide, and the only thing that’s crazier than that is the fact that the MLB won’t do a damn thing about it.

Even though everyone online is eviscerating the league and their uniforms:

A beer bottle on a dock



A beer bottle on a dock